Principal Desk


The 21st century education is a child centric education. A child is like a flower butt. It needs good environment, nourishment, protection, love and care and a good gardener to grow and bloom fully. Swami Vivekananda said "Education is the manifestation of perfection which is already in men". The duty of an educator is to unfold the ability of the learners and make them realize their perfection (God) who dwells in them. So that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Philippians 2:15). Education is to form reform and transform us so that we may bring change and development in the society and the country at large. Blessed Basil Mreau the founder of the Holy Cross Congregation said "How we educate the mind will change with the times; how we cultivate the heart is and will remain timeless." Therefore, Holy Cross Higher Secondary School Education aims to educate the Heart and Mind of the young generation by helping to develop various skills, creativity, critical, rational and logical thinking to equip them to face the challenges in life. Holy Cross Higher Secondary School is established in the rural area. The School was established in the year 1983. Today it has completed more than three and half decades of untiring service to the sons and daughters of the land. It is like a light house in the locality. A note of appreciation and gratitude to the Former Principal Fr. CV Jose csc for his untiring service, co-missionary team comprising of Bethany Sisters, to the managing committee, parents / guardians, and the Staff-student community. Their encouragement and collaboration in each endeavour has boosted our confidence, lifted our morale & reorient our focus. Thanks to Holy Cross Education Foundation and Provincial Administration of North-East Province of Holy Cross Congregation for confidently entrusting me the responsibility of the school as principal. This website is a unique expression of our talents, success stories and achievements and a platform to keep you all updated.